Imaging facility CyTUM-MIH
FV3000 Confocal Fluoview

Evident (former Olmpus) Laser scanning Microscope

Lasers: 375 nm, 405 nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 640nm.

Objectives: 1,25x: air, 4x; air, 10x; air, 20x; air, 60x; immersion oil, 100x; silicon oil

  • High Sensitivity Multi-Channel Imaging
  • Macro to Micro Imaging and Super Resolution
  • Increase Productivity with High-Speed Imaging
  • Accurate Time-Lapse Imaging
  • Superior Objectives


Mica Microhub

Leica™ Widefield Microhub

  • 4 Objectives 1.6x, 10x, 20x, 63x
  • 4 LEDs 365 nm, 470 nm, 555 nm, 625 nm
  • High resolution Imaging CMOS camera
  • Live cell imaging
  • Long-term Time Lapse acquisition
  • CO2 incubator
  • Built-in dark room
  • Sample finder
  • OneTouch-Auto-Illumination
  • AI based analysis
  • Integrated Modulation Contrast (IMC)
  • Reusable AI models and project parameters


Zellscanner ONE

Zellkraftwerk™ multiplexed imaging Technology

  • Highly Multiplexed Tissue Imaging (HMTI) based on cyclic immunofluorescence
  • More than 30 markers per cell for cryopreserved and FFPE tissues and more than 100 markers per cell for single cell suspensions
  • Antibody stainings can further be combined with mRNA in-situ hybridization (FISH)
  • High dynamic range (HDR) imaging technology and true background subtraction for superior image quality
  • Microscope performs all steps from sample readjustment, focusing, and image acquisition automatically.
  • Pipeline for automated signal quantification developed by us can be used for data analysis

Jarosch et al.: Multiplexed imaging and automated signal quantification in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues by ChipCytometry



ScanScope Aperio AT2

Leica™ Slide Scanner

Fast, flexible and reliable, it is easy-to-use and consistently delivers high resolution, high quality images.

  • Load and capture images of an entire carousel in less than 8 hours
  • Sustained high throughput rate of 50 slides/hr with a 20x Objective
  • Autoloader with 400-slide capacity
  • Smaller file size and faster scanning with skip blank stripes technology
  • Horizontal position minimizes risk of coverslips falling off
  • Better first time success rates with fewer rescans
  • Quiet, with minimal movement of slides in loader


Slide scanner
EVOS Cell Imaging System


EVOS FL Auto 2

  • Speed: scan a 96-well plate in 3 fluorescent channels in less than 5 minutes
  • Time-lapse live-cell imaging: option for precise control of temperature, humidity, and gases for normoxic or hypoxic conditions allows a wide range of biological studies under physiological conditions with an onstage incubator
  • Area view: move rapidly and seamlessly between low-magnification, single-field mode and high-magnification scan mode to easily define and capture the area of interest
  • Automation: time-saving features such as autofocus, rapid stage movement, and automated routines help reduce time to complete experiments, allowing high throughput, high data quality, and improved experimental reproducibility
  • Data analysis: advanced software package for quantitative and statistical analysis


IVIS Spectrum

Perkin Elmer™ In Vivo Imaging System

  • High-sensitivity in vivo imaging of fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • High throughput with 23 cm field of view
  • High resolution (to 20 microns) with 3.9 cm field of view
  • Twenty eight high efficiency filters spanning 430 – 850 nm
  • Supports spectral unmixing applications
  • Ideal for distinguishing multiple bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters
  • Optical switch in the fluorescence illumination path allows reflection-mode or transmission-mode illumination
  • 3D diffuse tomographic reconstruction for both fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • Ability import and automatically co-register CT or MRI images yielding a functional and anatomical context for your scientific data.
  • NIST traceable absolute calibrations

